Best Nightlife in St Petersburg

Local Recommendations from our My Guide St Petersburg team

The nightlife scene in St Petersburg can be just as glamorous and riotous as its more famous Moscow equivalent. Top DJs come from all over Europe to perform here, and once you pass the notorious facecontrol you're sure to have a memorable night.

Top tip for getting in to any club: remember to dress up smart and look like you're going to spend a lot of money! Special theme nights marking Cosmonauts' Day or similar are common, so look out for those. The innate sense of Russian hospitality means that visitors are also likely to be treated better than their local counterparts. A quiet word in English and suddenly those red velvet ropes and reserved signs just slip away. For those looking for a little less action and a little more conversation (baby), there are large craft brew restaurants with on-site brewing, authentic English and Irish style pubs, bohemian art venues, jazz clubs and underground music scenes all to be explored. St Petersburg was the home of Russian rock, and a visit to a local rock club will be a unique and authentic experience.